About 819 Comics

Nathan & Stacie Pinsoneault have been Nerds all of their lives, sharing interests in all things Sci-Fi, such as Star Trek, The X-Files, Doctor Who and Comics. Realizing these similarities, they did the only sensible thing and got married!
Together, their shared dream of crafting stories and characters through writing, drawing, lettering & coloring has now become a reality with their very own company: 819 COMICS!
With the release of their VERY FIRST superhero comic series, MISTER MARSH, their collaborative efforts have commenced as the first in a series of AMAZING ADVENTURES all occurring within the 819 UNIVERSE.
Currently, they have released their NEW Annual supernatural anthology series, ZIRA, with Inker Colin Richards (YouTube's MARKERS & MONSTERS), and are working on the next installment of MISTER MARSH.
Nathan & Stacie reside in the Pittsburgh Area in Pennsylvania.
Check out Colin Richards' artwork at colinrichardsart.com